Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Chestnut Farm Homestead

Like with any new place, there are always a cast of characters that tend to make the time spent more worthwhile.  Here on the farm there are two Andalusians (a mother and daughter), a miniature horse, two American Guinea Hogs (male and female...maybe more on the way?!),  five Alpine goats (2 mommas, 3 kids), a Copper Maran rooster along with six hens and six chicks (that number has fluctuated for obvious reasons), a flock of Guinea fowl (the number at one time was unknown, now we are down to five), as well as two humans.  :)  Together they have welcomed us into their world and we have enjoyed their company greatly.  The contributions made have been good ones, and the memories, those we will hold onto for life.  

the herd


Blue Bell

turnips anyone?

The pigs under the mulberry tree


First mulberry pie!

mulberry jam!

Copper Meran rooster

record hurricane rains


pre remodel

 post remodel

subway tile, butcher block counter top and shelves

new bathroom barn door


forest fungi

Bailey, the mini

pineapple sage

Laya (she’s 3)

2 Guineas sitting on 100 eggs. (just a guess)
none have hatched yet...can’t imagine why?! :)

a smaller nest of the barn variety, Carolina Wren

 Black Snake
(great at keeping the rodent population in check, but also good at eating your eggs before you get to)

baby chick caught a snake and proudly won’t share it with momma

home grown shiitakes

 stairway to garden and main house incorporating golden mean spiral


da bees

John and the deck construction
(it stopped raining momentarily so I could take this picture)

the deck :)
(still needs post caps and natural wood balusters)

Oh, Freckle.

Yellow Watermelon, yum!!

the secret grotto :)

magic mushroom?


have you heard of horse swirlology?

 the life of a chestnut

Goats like chestnuts too :)

Copper Maran hen and her adopted chicks

sacred geometry in life form

the girls

the newest edition, Edith and her kid, Little Bit

Laya at a clinic with Mark Russell

future Paddock Paradise laneway!

Yarrow’s beautiful eyes

misty morning

As the sun sets on this opportunity, we cannot say thank you enough for all of the incredible people we’ve met and moments we’ve shared.  
We leave with many friends. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, John did wonders to that kitchen remodel!!

    And I hope you're sending some of that jam my way ;)

    Love to you both, always.
