Thursday, February 12, 2015

Another year in review...

The following is a hodgepodge of pictures we’ve taken over the past year.  For us, the journey is to be inspired by everyday life.  Be proud of where we are, what we do and live as close to in the moment as we can.  Live with integrity.  To find and experience each place as it is, is all part of the adventure in finding home.  This year we lived in 4 states (for the most part) and are very thankful for where our path has led us.  We got to spend a lot of time catching up with family, doctoring and working at what we love to do.  It was a hard year for goodbyes, and letting go never comes easy.  It is then, when the celebrations and beautiful moments need to become focal points all the more.  Life is a blessing and a gift.  It is filled with moments of doubt, despair and loneliness but also balanced with beauty, joy and bliss.  No one said life is easy, actually more people probably agree that it's hard.  Always remember no matter how good or bad your life seems to be, that 'this too shall pass'.  So breath it in.  Experience each moment before you for what it is, for those that don’t get to.  Beauty and happiness for us comes in the form of fresh seasonal food, rolling landscapes, stacks of lumber, natural herds, time spent with those we love, views from mountain tops, a community of good folks and a job well done.
Cheers to a heartbreakingly beautiful year, and wishing you all the best and more in 2015!

homemade vanilla and almond milk

love the way light hits wheat

garden beauty

ground cherries

the love of a madrona

wedding flowers

“Until the wheels fall off...”

wedding bouquet

assembling flowers

so beautiful

an ocean of clouds

the hike to Hahn’s Peak

a big trip, with big meaning...see mum, you CAN do it  :)

almost to the top!

we were actually thankful for the snow (better grip than gravel),
and also that someone else had traveled the path before us to follow. :)

Waldo at sunset

Halloween feast

calf barn

John’s first time to the farm in Michigan

John and Jon bringing home fresh milk for the day.  :)

Oh Auger...

Moag & Maxi

shipping pallet bunk beds (by John)

rainbow seed of life

harvest time

(madrona of the east)

from Ohio to Washington...crossing the plains

to the Black Hills...

made a couple of stops to visit family...

making it to Seattle just in time to celebrate a 75th birthday!!

mini stained feathers
(found they were a little too heavy for earrings, but great pendants or window chimes)

  the redbud flowers

to be a horse

the barn

one pink pig

Mt. Elbert views

 lost coast views


pacific coast

solid local madrona bookshelf with danish oil and wax
(by John)

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Even from a yurt off grid, we made a feast. (or John did) :)

growing up so fast, riding big horses

releasing the herd


thanks for the memories

a ride for just the two of us :)

this always makes us smile
